5 tips to be more organized


Organization is a vast subject and rather … how to say … COMPLEX. Indeed, being a well organized person means having a very strong sense of discipline and unfortunately not everyone is naturally endowed, including us (To be honest with you).
Here are some tips that we have adopted to be more organized on a daily basis.
So grab your notepads and pens as a life of rigor awaits you 😉

    Yes, friends, there is no secret (according to us). You should write down EVERYTHING.
    It is really necessary to have an ONLY ONE To Do List that is very exhaustive, with everything you have to do noted on. Why?
    First, to be able to appreciate the extend of the tasks to be accomplished and to avoid forgetting the slightest thing.
    Secondly, to recognize priorities and act accordingly.
    Thirdly, having all of your ideas together in one place helps you avoid scattering.
    Paper or electronic, depending on your preference, this agenda should follow you wherever you go. It is the tool that will allow you not to lose your mind (double appointment for example) and to remain focused on your goals.
    Yes friends, it is good to set goals to achieve but it is necessary not to be too ambitious.
    HOLD ON, let us explain:
    One should not plan to many things in too short a time. The goal is not to overload a day (or even a week). It is better to plan only 3 things to do in the day and be sure to stick to it. By planning in a disproportionate way, overtaken by the amount of tasks and vagaries, one finds oneself to do nothing at all.
    A productive day is being prepared the day before. Saving time is the key word:
    -Know the schedules of the places where you have to go to avoid any unpleasant surprises once arrived.
    -Inquire on the Internet or call beforehand (when it is possible of course) to have the information you need and avoid to go on the spot in vain. This seems obvious but we do not necessarily think about it 😉
    It’s OK to fail one or even 2 times !
    Do not get discouraged, DON’T GIVE UP ! If a task proves to be too difficult to accomplish, do something else and then come back on it. Do not let your to do list unfinished.

Oh! … It is PRIMORDIAL to fix a limit to achieve your goals to see your progress and move forward.There are of course other tricks to become better organized but these are for us the main ones to adopt.

Do not hesitate to share with us your tips, we would be delighted to read them.

Be Golden, Stay Connected,
Golden Connexion

Faux fur jacket: Zara
Tops: Primark & Forever 21
Skirt: Zara
High knee boots: Zara
Bag: Forever 21

Coat: Newlook
Dungaree dress: Asos
Blouse: Zara
Boots: Zara
Bag: Glamorous (Asos)
Hat: Thrift shop (Hippie Market, Paris)

Photo credit: Estelle Chancibot Photographe

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