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We hope you are well. We are very happy that you likes our article “People you do not want around you” about the jealous competitor. (Here is the link here for those who missed it 😉 ).
Today we are back with a second part of this serie of article : The fake supporters. You know, those people who do not sincerely encourage you in your projects.
Once again, we will call the fake supporter John Doe (haha you know the name we use to refer to unidentified people). Here, John Doe could be a friend or someone around you.
John doe says that he is your main person. He claims he wants your projects to come true. He assures you that he is the person you can count on.
John Doe is here when everything is going well. When you call John to go out for lunch, he answers yes. To go shopping, he is also answers yes. In short, John Doe is available for all the little fun outings.
However, when it comes to helping you or supporting you when something doesn’t work in your life, strangely enough John Doe finds any kind of excuse to be away. Joe Doe always disappears when he finds a situation becomes complicated.
Johny really avoids his duty as a friend at the slightest obstacle in your daily life. The worst part is that our little John dares to come back to you once everything has settled in your life.
John Doe only considers what interests him. In this sense, he only respects projects and interests that make sense to him. The rest is not worth much to him.
The richness of a friendship lies in respect of everyone’s passions and interests. We are convinced that in a friendship, the interests can be different. As long as two people share common core values, that’s all that matters.
For example, someone who truly supports you will certainly congratulate you, encourage you, suggest you things to improve yourself, talk about you positively with his people or introduce you to people who could help you with your projects or the practice of your passion.
As we said in the first article “People you do not want around you” If you know this type of person, feel free to share this article haha.
If you recognize yourself as a fake supporter, it may hide some insecurities but it does not matter.
It is a good thing to recognize our flaws since it is by becoming fully aware of it that we can improve ourselves and become a better version of us.
C wears a ZARA sweater, an ASOS belt, a CAMAIEU skirt, an ALIEXPRESS coat, a bag and boots from ALDO.
G wears a ZARA jacket, a coat bought in HIPPY MARKET thrift store , a turtleneck found in the men’s department in an outlet store, a KILIAN necklace, a ZARA skirt, a LOUIS VUITTON bag and ALDO boots.
We look forward to reading from you here or on Instagram (@goldenconnexion)
Be Golden, Stay Connected,
Golden Connexion
Photo credit : Fatou (Instagram @fswague)
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