5 tips for a successful back to school

Helloooo 🙂 ,
What’s up little babies??
We hope you have enjoyed summer! For those who went on vacation or those who have worked, we hope that you had a great time.
The back to school period is like a second new year, we have new resolutions, we try to set up a new organization and we try to stick to it as best as we can. It is also the time for new dreams. For some of us it’s even an opportunity get back on training (yes, yes, this is totally us).
Well, we try to reorganize our lives …  Because it is very important to have a good start.

It is the time for questioning yourself, we lived our best life during summer, out as ever, eaten whatever we wanted, partied all the holidays hahah but then we ask ourselves and we study the year in perspective while trying to understand the different stages.

Don’t worry guys, we have some tips to share with you for a successful back to school
1- First, think about the goals you want to achieve.
Yes … goals and objectives. We can never say it enough. It will keep you focused and will put you on the road in case of small drifts.
Take this new year (of school) as a new challenge (that you will succeed brilliantly, because we are winners ! Understood ?? lol)
As far as we are concerned, we aim to do more articles, more looks and videos. We thought of various ways to develop our business and to have more fun with the blog.
2- Adopt the right habits
One thing, if you are not a morning person and for reasons that are still unknown to you, you are often late, try to go to bed a little earlier and choose your outfit the day before. We assure you that this will reduce a lot of stress and avoid a bad mood in the morning. This is an example among many others but very speaking example because this will give the tone of our day !!
Tested and approved method!
3- Try not to make the same mistakes as before
Often we do not take a step back and analyze the causes of our failure well enough, but this is the most important step to not reproduce certain things and thus have better results. By doing this we can discover that obviously by learning 2 days before a lesson does not work or that by pushing the alarm clock 10 mins each time we are late.
Learning from one’s small mistakes can move a little bit every day, so do it.
For now we leave you with a summer look.
G, is wearing ZARA trousers (you guys asked so many questions about it) with a pair of sandals from ASOS.C, is  wearing ZARA grey jeans and sublimated by black ankle boots with big heels from ZARA.
We are both rocking the same bodysuit from UNDIZ.

Golden Connexion

Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school Golden Connexion : 5 tips for a successful back to school

3 Comments on This Post

  1. JD

    Partners in crime, I like it!! I like the way you styled this with the grey theme, even with C’s hair!! I love the pictures too, especially the third one- you look so gorgeous together and with such a sweet touch too, I would like to join your crime partnership! 😉 😉 I like the way you choreograph your pictures, like the fifth one too. Thanks for sharing. x x x x

    September 20, 2018 Reply
    • GoldenConnexion

      Such a sweet comment ! thank yooooooou ?

      November 28, 2018 Reply

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